I want to write in my books but I’m scared because I love them so much ? any thoughts or opinions on that to make my decision easier?
I want to write in my books but I’m scared because I love them so much ? any thoughts or opinions on that to make my decision easier?
Use sticky noted
I use translucent sticky notes that I bought at Amazon. Love them
@Tierney I just bought a pack of them as well &’ love them already, but idk if I want to underline just so I remember what I was referring to
I use transparent sticky notes too, and transparent flags. It’s good!
If it’s a book I’m reviewing or KNOW I’ll keep, I’ll write it in. Otherwise, sticky notes.
Pencils ✏️ you can erase it. I always write in my books lol
I have a small short tablet because I can’t do it either.