Start from her first book and go up. I read My Sisters Keeper first and loved it. So then I went and saw a list of all her books and started from the bottom up. I think the first one was Song of a Hunchback Whale, or Harvesting the Heart I can’t quite recall. The best thing about her books you can read them in the order she wrote them and you don’t get bored as each subject is different. I like Colleen Hoover but I can’t really read her books consecutively one after the other, they’re are all so similar I need a break.
@Jodi really? I haven’t read it yet! My friend said she is speechless and it was a WOW book, finished it in less than 2 days. We often don’t love the same type of book, so I might be like you?
@LucasErica it’s just my perception, I know others have loved it. I don’t want to give away spoilers but I couldn’t get past the part of the prejudice thoughts & the part where a person was physically beaten. Compared to her other novels (i’ve read them all by her) it was my least favorite. I could also pick it up again someday and end up finishing it in a day. Don’t let me discourage you. Jodi Picoult is a fantastic author!!!
I know I read it and thought the same thing; I’ve read a lot of Jodi Picoult and liked them and loved them but this one let me down. Couldn’t even tell you the plot!
I think they are all great do you can’t go wrong. But I found I can’t read them back to back.. I need some fluff in between books! They can be pretty intense!
I have a pile of her books that I just haven’t gotten to yet. I read 19 minutes first. I was curious because she wrote it kind of based on the town she lives in which is a couple towns from where I grew up. It was well done.
Jodi Piccoult is my very favorite author. Small Great Things is great, but all of her books are. She does a lot of research into all of her subject matter.
@Lisa Did you like the movie? I really didn’t, but the book was so amazing! I reread the book when I was pregnant and my husband regularly asked me if I was okay because I would sob so hard!
The first Jodi Picoult book that I read was My Sister’s Keeper. It is still the one that I rated highest.
The Plain Truth is good. We read it in my American lit class at school.
Nineteen minutes, My sisters keeper, the storyteller.
Small Great Things, Nineteen Minutes, My Sister’s Keeper
I second this!
Change of Heart is my favoirte
Nineteen Minutes
My Sisters Keeper, Plain Truth, 19 Minutes. Pretty much all of them!
My Sister’s Keeper, Leaving Time, small great things, The Storyteller
Nineteen Minutes, My Sister’s Keeper, Small Great Things
The Storyteller!
Reading this now and woooow what an emotional punch
The Pact
My Sister’s Keeper is my all time favorite of hers.
The Plain Truth is runner up.
Tha pact
Leaving Time
19 minutes..
Start from her first book and go up. I read My Sisters Keeper first and loved it. So then I went and saw a list of all her books and started from the bottom up. I think the first one was Song of a Hunchback Whale, or Harvesting the Heart I can’t quite recall.
The best thing about her books you can read them in the order she wrote them and you don’t get bored as each subject is different.
I like Colleen Hoover but I can’t really read her books consecutively one after the other, they’re are all so similar I need a break.
Not sure you can go wrong ?
The Pact, 19 minutes, my sisters keeper. They are all pretty engaging.
19 minutes, The Storyteller
Small Great Things…my favorite
I started from her 1st and worked my way down. Hummm should re-read them again now
The Storyteller
My friend just finished this and said it’s a MUST read! It’s next on my list!
Good, I just downloaded it! Thanks!
this was the only one of hers I couldn’t even finish reading
@Jodi really? I haven’t read it yet! My friend said she is speechless and it was a WOW book, finished it in less than 2 days. We often don’t love the same type of book, so I might be like you?
@LucasErica it’s just my perception, I know others have loved it. I don’t want to give away spoilers but I couldn’t get past the part of the prejudice thoughts & the part where a person was physically beaten. Compared to her other novels (i’ve read them all by her) it was my least favorite. I could also pick it up again someday and end up finishing it in a day. Don’t let me discourage you. Jodi Picoult is a fantastic author!!!
@Jodi thank you for this insight!! This would be hard for me to get through too. I will give it a try anyway! TBC…
@Jodi This book was awful.
I know I read it and thought the same thing; I’ve read a lot of Jodi Picoult and liked them and loved them but this one let me down. Couldn’t even tell you the plot!
@Shelly I agree but I don’t want to discourage someone who might like it.
Handle With Care and Vanishing Acts are both great.
The Pact.
I think they are all great do you can’t go wrong. But I found I can’t read them back to back.. I need some fluff in between books! They can be pretty intense!
Totally agree!
So true! Be ready with some lighthearted reading after a JP book.
Nineteen Minutes, My sisters keeper, Small great many good ones!
They’re all excellent, but Mercy is my favorite, followed closely by The Pact.
I forgot about The Pact!!!
That was the very first book of hers that I ever read! I like her older stuff better but it’s all good.
I love that you like Mercy the best, that is a very underrated book. It’s also one of my favorite works by her.
I started with the pact, was instantly hooked and became a forever fan
Plain Truth was my first, and it was the same thing, I was obsessed. It’s been 18 years, I know because I read The Pact not long after I got married.
The Pact
The Storyteller and Handle With Care are my favorites
19 Minutes
Handle with care, Change of Heart and Nineteen Minutes my top 3
Plain Truth
I love (nearly) all of her books, she is my favorite author. You really can’t go wrong but I say Mercy, 19 Minutes, Leaving Time are really great.
The Pact….all are very good
The Pact
Sister’s Keeper
The pact and 19 minutes
19 minutes
The Pact, Plain Truth, 19 Minutes, My Sister’s Keeper
The pact
My sisters keeper
My Sister’s Keeper. Still one of my fave books of all time.
All of them. You won’t skip a word and get sad when it is over. ?
Sisters Keeper
Just finished Small Great Things. Jodi Picoult tackles some difficult subjects in her books and makes you really think about them.
The Storyteller!
I have a pile of her books that I just haven’t gotten to yet. I read 19 minutes first. I was curious because she wrote it kind of based on the town she lives in which is a couple towns from where I grew up. It was well done.
House Rules is really good too! Handle with Care, The Pact… all others mentioned above
19 Minutes and Small Great Things
19 minutes
Small Great Things
Jodi Piccoult is my very favorite author. Small Great Things is great, but all of her books are. She does a lot of research into all of her subject matter.
Plain Truth and The Storyteller
My Sister’s Keeper or Change of Heart
Any of them are good choices but my sisters keeper and the storyteller are particularly good!
Has anyone noticed change of heart is exactly like green mile?! How’s that possible?! It’s the same story!
The Storyteller and Small Great Things
The pact and my sisters keeper
My Sister’s Keeper made me ugly cry. Have tissues handy if you read it!
It’s a three boxer- have at least three boxes of tissues nearby.
@Lisa Did you like the movie? I really didn’t, but the book was so amazing! I reread the book when I was pregnant and my husband regularly asked me if I was okay because I would sob so hard!
@Nicole I liked the book more, but didn’t dislike the movie
Plain Truth and 19 Minutes
The Pact and Leaving Time both stuck with me long after I finished them.
The Pact ???
I loved Small Great Things but my favorite is Plain Truth.
The Storyteller
That’s a GREAT book and not really typical of her
I think that’s why it’s my favorite.
Nineteen minutes and handle with care
Just finished Nineteen Minutes. It was good.
My sister’s keeper
Plain Truth, 19 Minutes, The Pact
Leaving time
And 19 minutes!
My Sister’s Keeper made my very masculine BIL wail.
I have liked ALL of her books.
My sisters keeper, 19 minutes and the pact.
House rules, plain truth was good. My sisters keeper was good. I really have never hit a bad one from her.