I am almost afraid to ask this question: Am I the only person on the planet who didn’t like Where the Crawdads Sing?
I am almost afraid to ask this question: Am I the only person on the planet who didn’t like Where the Crawdads Sing?
I am almost afraid to ask this question: Am I the only person on the planet who didn’t like Where the Crawdads Sing?
I’ll probably start it tomorrow. I’ll let you know how I find it.
I have not read it but honestly I do not intend to read it. But why did you dislike it?
@Karolina I thought it was too far-fetched. if it had been billed as fantasy I might have been okay with it.
@Diane so is it maybe magic realism? The serious and grown-up cousin to fantasy?
Or just an improbable plot?
@Karolina I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. Stretched the boundaries of believability, at least for me.
Haven’t read it ,or birdbox have no interest in either,even thou all the hype surrounding it.
@Susan feel the same
I’m finding it extremely painful to read, not sure I can keep on…it’s heartbreaking.
Try if you can, the best is yet to come!?x
@Kelly thanks for this, I’ll try. ?
@Kelly Warm regards to you in England, from Montreal, Canada.
@Desneiges – Right back at you too!x
I haven’t read it because I don’t think I would like it. As for being the only person in the world, I didn’t like Pillars of the Earth and Outlander
@Nancy ….Outlander…grrr. I read the first one…okay. The second one…I quit in the middle because it annoyed me so. So, yep..I agree.?
@Marie Thanks but would you believe I read the first two books again. There were years between them and I thought I might have made a mistake but no way.
No couldn’t get into it ..
I enjoyed it but I thought that the ending let it down.
I am still on the fence about this book. Too much hype! I am leaning toward not reading.
@Allison …I put off reading this book for the same reason. I eventually did read it….and truly did enjoy the story. I hope you will, too.?
It was well worth the read to me. I love when everyone is talking about a book. Love to have an opinion on it. Part of the fun of reading. Took me a while to move on after reading.
It was wonderful! Couldn’t put it down. Well worth reading, in my opinion.
I would yes maybe yes. But we all don’t like the same books. I don’t like and never liked Harry Potter
HA! I can top your unpopular opinion. I do not care for Kristen Hannah books…so, there?. But, seriously…this is the reason they paint cars different colors. ?
Great question, Diane. I chose not to read it.
Maybe not the whole planet, but for sure a five block radius : )
I loved this book
I loved that book. Just finished it about a week ago. Then I read Educated. I enjoyed that too.
I’ll let you know Diane once I’ve read it.
You are not alone. I know quite a few people who did not like it. Most did not even finish. I was one of those.
I haven’t read it but this reminds me of The Shack. Everyone wanted me to read it, lent me copies and..I just couldn’t get past the first few chapters. I really tried too. People told me it would change my life and I couldn’t read it.
I loved The Shack
Wow… glad you said that. I tried twice to get into reading The Shack and just couldn’t do it… maybe I’ll give it another try someday.
@Judy I did the audio version back when I commuted to Milwaukee.
@Jamie Maybe that will work for me… thanks!
I loved the book. Could not put it down. Hope the movie is good.
Nope others hated it. But you not liking it does not single you out. You are different and that makes you special. I loved it wanted a little more but loved it.
Its like the woman in cabin 10hatedthst book
Cabin book was excellent loved it
@Tambra see that’s what I’m saying we are all different so never be afraid to say how you feel. By the way only thing I liked was the end
@Sabrina me too I was so let down but it seems like Ruth Ware is 50/50 for everyone. I want to give her another try but it’s so hard with the descriptions and the reviews
@Monique I would not try another
Have no interest in reading it
I haven’t but I think I’ll try it eventually
I just found cheap copy & just ordered it.
Not interested.
This is an old book, but I could not finish Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead. Pushed by an architect to read it, struggled to get halfway through, and finally realized I didn’t like a single character in the story and didn’t care what happened to them. First book I never finished.
While I liked premise of The Fountain Head I have to agree it took a LOT of effort to read it and I didn’t particularly like the characters either,,
Not interested in reading it
Didn’t read it
I didn’t finish it, I sensed violence was coming , at this moment in my life I need serenity
From Kindle synopsis I don’t think I would enjoy it. When it comes to books it’s a personal thing.
It was the Gone girl for me. Just didn’t like it.
I couldn’t get into Gone Girl either but the movie was good.
I would say probably. Everyone I know who has read it, loved it.
Didnt read it
haven’t read it.
I have something worse to tell.. I hadn’t heard of it until now.
No, I didn’t like it either. I don’t know what I was expecting, but that wasn’t it. ?
Haven’t read it.
I felt this way about The Girl on the Train. Everyone seemed to like it, but…ugh!
I have not read it yet. The opinions I have heard vary from love to hate. You are not alone.
I agree with THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. So disappointed. Haven’t read the other one.
@Jeanie, thank you! I’m not alone!???
I loved it
I feel the same way! I was sure I was the only one!
I couldn’t get into the Girl on the Train either.
Read it, didn’t like it
Almost read it all, but just couldn’t finish it. Dragged on and on to me.
@Joan I liked it and the movie was right on the money.
I didn’t like it at all. The descriptions of the marsh and wildlife were great. The plot super boring
Sorry I’m loving it. But we all have opinions and that a wonderful thing.
You are so correct. I also find a book I could not get into, later I am enjoying it.
I was disappointed as well, and usually I like books people recommend.
i read part of it. then got sidetracked. don’t know if she killed the guy or not.
Didn’t like either, you’re not alone
I was pretty meh about it. Did not live up to the hype IMHO.
Tried getting into it, I just couldn’t.
I may try again …
Oh, no! I have it but haven’t read it yet!
I’ve read 17 books this year already and that was my favorite so far! To each her own! ❤️
I keep hearing about it last week and I read the description and can’t even get passed that because it just sounds boring to me.
I started it but could not get into it.
That’s my problem: as soon as there is a “hype” going on, I loose all interest!
Has anyone read, ” Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers or any of her books. She is great.!!!!
I haven’t read it yet. I figured I would wait until all the hype died down, but I’m still not sure if I will. ?
My SIL just recently told me about this book! I haven’t read it yet. Who wrote it, do you know?
Hated it. Couldn’t finish it!
I tried to start it and didn’t like it.