I don’t do e books and generally prefer physical books. With that said I do have audio books and I specifically have audio books that I do not or don’t care about owning in physical form either because I’m iffy about the book or I doubt I’ll re read it. I also think some books are better in audiobook like the Mistborn trilogy because there is so much going on and I found it easier to follow through audio. In general though I prefer physical books over all others.
It depends on the space I have to store books – though lately the physical copies have been less expensive and that pretty much determines the format I purchase.
I need the physical book. I don’t know why but I need to feel it and physically see how much I have read to feel a sense of accomplishment. And nothing can compare to the smell… I just love it!!!
Hubby makes fun of me and says I get high from my books… lol
I love my library, I love collecting books, finding deals, basking in their awesomeness. I don’t always connect to physical books vs kindle, usually I don’t care unless it’s a favorite author, or a series I’ve already started collecting. But I’ve been trying to do more e-books. The deciding factor has been price these days. A lot of times, I can find a used book for cheaper than the Kindle, so I’ll buy that. It’s filling my house up fast!
I ended up getting our dark duet in a physical copy to go with the copy of a savage song from an owlcrate and then the ebook version of six of crows since it was so cheap
I prefer eBooks overall. I only started buying physical books again because I got into photographing them for IG ? and because I might finally finally get a bookcase of my own and not have to rely on two shelves and a lot of boxes xD I’ll get a physical book if it’s cheaper or if I don’t want my family to see it on our shared Kindle account or if it’s particularly beautiful and I want to display it. Carrying my library with me everywhere I go is a dream come true ?
Honestly, whatever is cheaper. I LOVE having a physical book collection, but I also shouldn’t spend all the money I want to. For book collections, I definitely keep those in the same format if I do buy them. I recently rediscovered the library though and have been getting a lot of books from there. My husband put me on a book buying ban in all formats though until I read everything I have. ?
I’d probably be homeless or on a complete ramen diet if I didn’t have my husband to keep me level headed ? But it does help me support our local library too and attempt to save some trees.
My husband recently found out how many books I actually have been getting lately and had a minor freak out. I usually get the mail and just open the package and put the book away, no reason to advertise that I bought another book lol… I’m scared he’s gonna put me on a ban lol
Sounds like our husbands need to team up and come up with a plan. ??? If I do buy a new book, I try to hide it, but I wind up giving the puppy dog eyes and telling him. But he can’t stay mad at me. ?
I’m an ebook hoarder. I think it’s the best thing that ever happened to my life. I don’t have physical space for actual books. Plus i love the fact that i “carry” thousands of books with me wherever i go. The kindle app is a lifesaver.
I have both, but one thing I prefer about my physical books is that I can see them on the shelf. I forget that I own some of my Kindle books. I scroll through them going: Holy crap, I DID buy that one!
Hello, I just wanted to know if your name is married or maiden! My dad’s family name is Hedrick and it’s quite rare. He has family in Louisiana and Mississippi. We could be related
For me very important. I stare at a screen all day at work I can’t do it to read. Plus I love the smell and the feel of a physical book
I don’t do e books and generally prefer physical books. With that said I do have audio books and I specifically have audio books that I do not or don’t care about owning in physical form either because I’m iffy about the book or I doubt I’ll re read it. I also think some books are better in audiobook like the Mistborn trilogy because there is so much going on and I found it easier to follow through audio. In general though I prefer physical books over all others.
It depends on the space I have to store books – though lately the physical copies have been less expensive and that pretty much determines the format I purchase.
If I read an ebook that absolutely blows me away, then I’ll buy the dead tree version. I don’t have a lot of room to store subpar books!
Dead tree version ?
Overly important and I’m not sure why
Depends on the author, if I have 1 or more of the books already in physical form, or if I really loved the book
I want to read six of crows. It’s $3 ebook or more expensive in store. I don’t know which direction I want to go. Lol
I bought both the Kindle version of each and the hardcover set, I loved it so much!
Go for hardcover on this one. The black page edges are worth it ?
I need the physical book. I don’t know why but I need to feel it and physically see how much I have read to feel a sense of accomplishment. And nothing can compare to the smell… I just love it!!!
Hubby makes fun of me and says I get high from my books… lol
Depends. Most of my ebooks and audio are indie. And I have to really love them to get a physical copy. Most of my ARCs are ebooks too.
The only way for me, I can’t do audiobooks or ebooks
I love my library, I love collecting books, finding deals, basking in their awesomeness. I don’t always connect to physical books vs kindle, usually I don’t care unless it’s a favorite author, or a series I’ve already started collecting.
But I’ve been trying to do more e-books. The deciding factor has been price these days. A lot of times, I can find a used book for cheaper than the Kindle, so I’ll buy that. It’s filling my house up fast!
I ended up getting our dark duet in a physical copy to go with the copy of a savage song from an owlcrate and then the ebook version of six of crows since it was so cheap
I prefer eBooks overall. I only started buying physical books again because I got into photographing them for IG ? and because I might finally finally get a bookcase of my own and not have to rely on two shelves and a lot of boxes xD I’ll get a physical book if it’s cheaper or if I don’t want my family to see it on our shared Kindle account or if it’s particularly beautiful and I want to display it. Carrying my library with me everywhere I go is a dream come true ?
Honestly, whatever is cheaper. I LOVE having a physical book collection, but I also shouldn’t spend all the money I want to. For book collections, I definitely keep those in the same format if I do buy them. I recently rediscovered the library though and have been getting a lot of books from there. My husband put me on a book buying ban in all formats though until I read everything I have. ?
One of the reasons I do and don’t wish I was married ?
I’d probably be homeless or on a complete ramen diet if I didn’t have my husband to keep me level headed ? But it does help me support our local library too and attempt to save some trees.
My husband recently found out how many books I actually have been getting lately and had a minor freak out. I usually get the mail and just open the package and put the book away, no reason to advertise that I bought another book lol… I’m scared he’s gonna put me on a ban lol
Sounds like our husbands need to team up and come up with a plan. ??? If I do buy a new book, I try to hide it, but I wind up giving the puppy dog eyes and telling him. But he can’t stay mad at me. ?
If I love the book, I have to own the physical copy. I’m a book hoarder. ? I do have a ton of digital arcs too.
Not at all. Most of my books are digital
If I’m going to own a book I’d rather get a physical copy. Most of the time it’s only a few dollars more
Why cant i have them all
I only buy my favorites in print, and I enjoy audio as much as a print copy in most cases.
I’m an ebook hoarder. I think it’s the best thing that ever happened to my life. I don’t have physical space for actual books. Plus i love the fact that i “carry” thousands of books with me wherever i go. The kindle app is a lifesaver.
I have both, but one thing I prefer about my physical books is that I can see them on the shelf. I forget that I own some of my Kindle books. I scroll through them going: Holy crap, I DID buy that one!
I have to feel the worlds see the words and smell thr worlds
If it is a book that I loved I’ll own it. I usually read the ebook first from the library.
Very important. I like the feel of a book in my hand verses a tablet.
Hello, I just wanted to know if your name is married or maiden! My dad’s family name is Hedrick and it’s quite rare. He has family in Louisiana and Mississippi. We could be related
It’s not really. I just want to read the book and I don’t really care what format. I tend to balance buying both.