Hi, looking for funny books about middle aged women..non fictionHi, looking for funny books about middle aged women…non fiction Amy #recommend #nonfiction
For humorous non-fiction about middle-aged women, I highly recommend Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog by Lisa Scottoline.
The Mammy, The Chisellers and The Granny by Brendan O’Carroll (oops, not NF, but I loved them nonetheless)
Anything by Nora Ephron is funny. I also love Shirley Jackson’s non fiction about raising her children. They are “Down Among the Savages” and “Raising Demons” Perhaps they aren’t from a middle aged perspective however they’re hysterical.
It’s been close to a decade since I’ve read “Waiting to Exhale” but I remember laughing at some of the sex scenes.
Miss Buncle’s Book, by D.E. Stevenson: more gentle humor than laugh-out-loud funny, but charming.
Agatha Raisin Series funny cozy mysteries
Lift and Separate @Marilyn
Laura Levine
Ann George
Where’d You Go Bernadette? Light, easy read. Humerous.
Calling Invisible Women
Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake by Anna Quindlin!
Jenny Lawson! Shes not quite middle aged but her memoirs are amazing
And jen Lancaster same not quite middle age (gen -xer)
Jenny Lawson was the first that came to mind for me too! So hilarious!
Erma Bombeck always nailed it.
I came here to say this
@Susan I know…first person I thought of…
Julie and Romeo. by jeanne Ray…..fab….funny…fierce…?
Bossypants by Tina Fey – hilarious!!
Sweet potato queens
I Feel Bad About My Neck-Nora Ephron
Was going to recommend this one!
The madwoman in the Volvo, Counterclockwise by Kessler, and I see you made an effort by Gurwitch
Brit Marie Was Here
For humorous non-fiction about middle-aged women, I highly recommend Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog by Lisa Scottoline.
Forgot all about Scottoline’s essays. They are excellent.
The Mammy, The Chisellers and The Granny by Brendan O’Carroll (oops, not NF, but I loved them nonetheless)
Anything by Nora Ephron is funny. I also love Shirley Jackson’s non fiction about raising her children. They are “Down Among the Savages” and “Raising Demons” Perhaps they aren’t from a middle aged perspective however they’re hysterical.
Ephron: “I Feel Bad About My Neck”
Erma Bombeck.
Tina Fey’s bossypants was really good
Anything by Sarah Vowell or David Sedaris (even better on audiobook)
Between a Rock and a Hot Place: Why Fifty Is Not the New Thirty
It’s been close to a decade since I’ve read “Waiting to Exhale” but I remember laughing at some of the sex scenes.
she said non fic
Shoot, I missed that part!
maybe there’s nothing funny about this age – i’m fat and crabby
@Joyce Hear hear!
The Hot Flash Club by Nancy Thayer.
anything by Kate @Clinton…
Mrs. Fletcher by Tom Perrotta
I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Efron.
I was going to mention brilliant Nora Efron.
Nora Efron
Round Heeled Woman
I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies) by Laurie Notaro
Yes Please by Amy Poehler and Bossypants by Tina Fey