Hi all I’m now going to read Harry Potter books do I have to read them in sequence thank you x
Hi all I’m now going to read Harry Potter books do I have to read them in sequence thank you x
Hi all I’m now going to read Harry Potter books do I have to read them in sequence thank you x
Yes, they are written that way.
Thank you I better get the first one then I’ve got 2 other ones but not the first one x
Yes! Definitely read them in order because each book is pretty much another year that they’re in the school so if you read book 3 then book 1, you’re reading their 3rd year then their first year. And most of it is a continuing story so reading out of order will confuse you bc there are new characters in later books that aren’t there in the earlier books.
Thanks Ann I watched the first film last week now I’m hooked so thought I would read the books too x
I was seriously planning to never read HP bc it’s outside the genre I usually read, but most of my reading friends have read it and some that aren’t avid readers like I am were shocked that I never read it. So one of my best friends and I made a deal that she will watch a movie I love that she never watched and I will read the first HP and give it a try… I fell in love with the story at that point. That was around December/Jan, and I’m on book 4 now.
@Ann that isn’t what I normally read either can’t wait to start now x
Ann, I’m the same way.. and still haven’t read them. Maybe I will one day.
Welcome to a new world! ?
Yes xx
Warning! U will feel as if u entered a new magical world
Good I love magic christie x
No one is going to force you to read them in any order at all but I think that it’s best to read them in the order that the author intended that they be read.
Yes, read them in order and you will be so glad you did!
I will I’m now going to look on amazon x
Are you looking for Kindle copies? Then I can mail mobi formats to you.
Oh thank you balaka but I now bought a book off amazon x
Great! ?
Can’t wait for it to arrive now! Lol x
Lol. I only read one Harry Potter book. It was the last one…. I read it first. It was so good. One day I will get to others ?
Yes definitely!
Best to read in order of events.
Yes, they make better sense if you read them in order.
What kind of question is that…. Every book series should be read in order.
Some, like mystery series where the main story is a self-contained unit, CAN be read out of order, though if there is a running backstory with what’s going on in the lives of the main characters, they can be a confusing or “spoil” that part of it for people. I personally do prefer to read series in order, myself.
Some series can be read out of order. (Most mysteries for example) In others it’s uncertain what the order is. The books might be published in one order, but chronologically in an other. (Narnia for example) In others a later book in the series is the best and can be read separately so I recommend them to get people hooked. (Discworld-series for example)
Oh…. I never thought like that. It’s something new for me ….. But any way thanks for updating me.
Read them in order…as the characters are in Hogwarts in a specific grade and they advance to the next grade…it will definitely make more sense as characters are introduced including replacement teachers….
Thanks all can’t wait to start them now x
There is a single story arc that spans all seven books. I would guess that anyone trying to read this particular series out of order would be completely out of their depth trying to figure out what’s going on.
You have to read them in sequence yes!
Yes it makes way more sense if you read them in order
Philosopher’s Stone (Sorceror’s Stone in the USA)
Chamber of Secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban
Goblet of Fire
Order of the Phoenix
Half-Blood Prince
Deathly Hallows
That’s the order to read them in. 🙂
Thank you Joanne x
I’ve got 2&5 and now bought 1 x
yes read them in order or you will deffenately get confused also if you havent watched the harry potter movies then i say wait till you read the books for even then you’ll be like huh what if you do just the oposite
Please read them in order!!!!
I’m on the last one…they are amazing….I am now a self confessed hp geek???
They are very much sequential, so yes.
Yes please read them in order! ???
Yep, Im currently reading Goblet Of Fire and I dont know how reading it randomly will help you at all
I’m on the same one. I started it and wasn’t feeling it, so I read something else, restarted it, am 65% through, and I am loving it.
the first part at quidditch (dont know the spell) is quite boring for me,But I always love the Hogwarts parts 🙂
Same thing with me! I trying to push myself to keep reading.
I just hate the sport parts at Harry Potter, I dont like sports that much
TOTALLY AGREE!!! That was totally boring the poo out of me. A little further in and it got interesting.
Im so OCD… why wouldn’t you read them in order!?!?
She bought a few of them, but not in order so she was asking if she needed to read them in order so she could get the ones she is missing. She had #’s 2&5, but not # 1.
Lol i waited 4 months to read a series cause my library had to order the # 1 and 4 in for me ?
Well its up to you. But I recommend you read them in order
Thats how you will get the wonderful experience and enjoy the twists!!!
I agree in this case. They’re too intricately plotted to read at random.
It is advised you should read in order or you won’t know what’s going on
I think that’s the best way. It gives you details of each characters
Yes it’s better if u do 🙂
Yes, it’s a series that builds from book one and you get snippets of important info in each volume. If you read it out of order you’d get rather lost and confused i would expect.
Yes easier to follow
Yep ,would make perfect sense !
That’s one goal I tend to start, I have the first one ghopefully I can acquire the other 6
Ha you have the same name as me! X
Yes, you won’t know what’s going on unless you read them in order
Thanks for replying everyone x
I will definitely read them in order getting the first one today x
Yes, you should! ?
Just done that, must read them in sequence , enjoyed it too
Yes, absolutely.
The books build on each other, introducing new characters and referencing events that occurred in previous books as well as dropping hints as to what will occur later. Definitely read in order.
Yes I’ve got all of them now so I can start reading them in order x
You’ll miss key points f you don’t and it could spoil the story for you. So yea plus they are written to be read in order 🙂
Yes—definitely read them in order??