Hello there! Can you please suggest me some inspirational motivational book? I really need some motivation.
Hello there! Can you please suggest me some inspirational motivational book? I really need some motivation.
Hello there! Can you please suggest me some inspirational motivational book? I really need some motivation.
What type of motivation? I liked The Happiness Project.
Something like that makes you feel you can do anything. I m feeling so overwhelmed.
Have you tried bullet journaling/regular journaling? It can help with keeping track of things you need to do so you don’t have to try to remember everything. You can make pages to set goals, and you can do like a daily gratitude thing. Do a search on bullet journaling on You Tube. 🙂
What a great advice. Thank you I will definitely try.
I am about to start this one. Hoping for some motivation myself. ?
the secret by rhonda byrne
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert??
Is that one better than Eat Pray Love? I may be the minority, but I really did not like Eat Pray Love.
Yes I thought so- but then I really enjoyed Eat Pray Love.
Anne Lamott’s books. Stitches, Help Wow Thanks, Small Victories
Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer