Good book to get my out of my anxiety funk?Good book to get my out of my anxiety funk? Marie #recommend
In a book funk, can’t find anything I want to read. Recently read The Nightingale and Girl with All the Gifts 20 answers
Can anyone recommend a good book to get my little brother for his birthday? Likes: Japanese culture, manga, ninjas, vampires Dislikes: romance 14 answers
I need an epic fantasy series to get me out of this dang funk. Suggestions? Romance is not necessary or even wanted. #LoveLies 114 answers
I’m on chapter 22 of The Wicked King and oh my anxiety. Anyone know when the next book will be out? Lol 6 answers
Ah, well, I don’t read non-fiction so I’m not sure about anything in that particular area. However, The Washington Post has this article on the best books of 2017. Perhaps something in there will catch your fancy!
What genre of books do u like? The book that is getting me out of my funk is Unsub by Meg Gardiner. It’s based on the real Zodiac killer…
The Girl with Deer Horns
What sort of books do you like to read?
Usually non fiction. Anything but science fiction or romance.
Ah, well, I don’t read non-fiction so I’m not sure about anything in that particular area. However, The Washington Post has this article on the best books of 2017. Perhaps something in there will catch your fancy!
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
My childhood favorite!
What genre of books do u like? The book that is getting me out of my funk is Unsub by Meg Gardiner. It’s based on the real Zodiac killer…
Mitch Albom books
I find “The Grimm’s Fairy Tales” so comforting and distracting
Quakeland and Into Thin Air are two good nonfiction books.
Radium Girls was a terrific read about the dial painters in the early 1900’s ?
“The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
The Girl with Deer Horns
Short Beats : A collection of Micro-Tales