Fellow readers , What do you think is the appropriate amount of pages to stop at if a book is not what you’re wanting to read ???
Fellow readers ,
What do you think is the appropriate amount of pages to stop at if a book is not what you’re wanting to read ???
First two chapters.
I’ve been known to give up after 10 pages. If it doesn’t grab me, I move on. I can always reconsider. I have too many choices. But there are times I’ve gone 200 pages in and finally quit. No right or wrong for me. Just what moves me.
I’d go for half the book. I’m so hard to please with books so I give it as long as I can!
I try around 50… sometimes I just can’t push it that far but at least I can say I made a good effort
My personal policy is 100 pages…too many books, so little time.
I give it two chapters.
I do aswell, if 2 chapters in i dont feel it i cannot force myself
I give it 100. Sometimes books don’t grab me right away. I’ve been happy on more occasions that I stuck with a book
I do 50. I agree with Rhonda. Sometimes you need to get into the book. And get the background.
About 25%
2 chapters
90 pages.
If I lose interest I’m done.
Immediately. You can come back to it at any time.
I have a 50 page or 5 chapter rule, but there have been a few times that I’ve turned to page 51 ( to finish the chapter) and been blown away ?
I do 100 pages and then Iam out
I read the first couple sentences and if I’m not interested I put it back ?♀️
Almost right away.
I usually give a book 50 pages.
When u have had enough
I stop when I don’t like what I’m reading, there are millions of other books to read so I don’t waste my time reading something I am not enjoying. It can be sometimes that I quit on the first page and sometimes it’s when I arrive at page 80 or 100 and think it’s not going anywhere!
I try and at least read a chapter before putting it down
Totally depends on the book, I’d say. Or at least it depends on my problem with it. If it’s that I hate the writing then I’ll give up within the first few pages; life is too short for shit writing. If it’s that I’m not getting into the plot then I’ll just go as far as I can bear which varies book to book. If I’m considering ditching it then I’ll usually start reading spoiler reviews just to make sure it’s not about to get amazingly better. Just do what feels right- there are millions of books out there and only so much time, so don’t feel bad about moving on.
after about 3 chapters
25% is my typical rule of thumb.
I as a rule do 30 pages .
About 70 to give the book a chance but i have decided to not even start Milkman as the blurb put me off completely.
About 50 but sooner if I think it sounds really crap x
I usually go to between 100 and 200. I want to make sure I give it time to pick up or grab me. But I have given up on a book at 50 before too.
What a daft question?!?
I was always told that if you reach page 100 and you are not enjoying it then stop
If I can’t get myself into a book I stop reading it but I always read the last few pages 😮
If it’s a book I’ve waited a long time for, through my library. I give it 100 pages. But if it’s a book I own, a couple pages. I can always come back.
25 to 50
For me it’s like 3 chapters. If I can’t see the setting, imagine the story, if it doesn’t stir me.
I follow the @Trisha rule. Ten chapters.
Generally I know by 3 or 4 chapters, it’s very rare I can’t get into a book, but when it does happen I know fairly quickly!
About 35 for me – and that’s my cheat! I download the sample first for free on amazon – before I buy the book. The sample is usually about 35 pages. So you aren’t out any money if you don’t like the book that way ?
Good idea! I need to do that.
I don’t quit books but will put the book down I’m not enjoying and move on to the next. But that’s just me.
To give a page number, the first 50 pages OR 5 chapters. Whatever comes first.
I read 100 before I put it away.
First page for me….Have just finished 800pg book
I can tell right away. It could be in a year I will pick it up and immediately get into it. Life is usually about timing.
Any page. Why waste your precious time and quality of life on anything? There are too many other books to discover.
Page 87 according to the Reader’s Guide.
I read until the last chapter of a book once…how about page 31?
At the first sign that I might not want to read any more. It could be one page, 2 pages or any amount. I’m just like that!
@Anne I agree Anne. It has to grab me immediately or next
I’ve always had the 50 pages rule.
2nd chapter
I go 3rd chapter lol
When you don’t feel a pull to get back to it…
I usually always finish a book once I start it. But it takes me weeks to finish it.
I have about a 30 -50 page rule
I try to get to at least 100 pages to give it a fair chance.
If I borrowed the book I try to push through, last one made it about 1/3 of the way through then skipped to the end. Other wise within the first chapter.
2 to 3
I always try to finish at least the 1st chapter
3-5 chapters. Sometimes it takes time
As soon as I realize it isn’t going to get any better
Would depend on my reasoning – if the English was horrendous I’d probably last 20-30 pages, whereas if it was a slow plot etc I’d probably try hang in 50-80 pages, on the basis that books can take a while to warm up I think.
It needs to get my immediate attention or on to the next one
Life is too short to read books you don’t enjoy!!
Last book was 5 chapters!
I really think it’s up to you. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. You don’t need a guideline to tell you how much to read- life is too short, read things you’re interested in.
I often wonder this. For me, I usually unconsciously set the book aside and pick up another, at that moment I rationalize that I will go back and finish it later, but it usually does not happen. Sometimes a book has been so popular that I look for reviews to see if the beginning is slow but it is worth reading until the end. I love finding a book that captures my attention from the beginning and I disregard almost everything in my life including sleep to finish it. I am always seeking this gem that will disrupt my routine for a couple of days!
Good question, I have thought about this too.
I do the 10% rule. If I don’t like the book within 10% of the length of pages in the book, I move on.
I go until 50
When you realise you just don’t want to, or can’t go on.