Does the location of a stories setting have any impact on deciding if you read a particular book.?
Does the location of a stories setting have any impact on deciding if you read a particular book.?
Does the location of a stories setting have any impact on deciding if you read a particular book.?
Apparently! I set my debut in Birmingham, and one of the most common comments from local readers has been how they enjoyed recognising the locations.
Definitely not. If I like the sound of it, then I’m not bothered where it’s set.
Can’t get into Scandinavian settings, I don’t know why
Oh I adore Scandinavian settings x why aren’t you keen? ( I’m honestly interested not having a go or anything horrible) xx
I don’t know, maybe I should try one, shouldn’t really say I don’t like them if I haven’t tried one xx
The girl with the Dragon tattoo series are excellent to try xx
I am immediately drawn to books set in remote locations, i.e. Shetlands, Scottish Island that type of thing,,Remote North East.
@David, have you read Sharon Bolton’s books? Sound right up your street.
I have indeed
Yes, especially if its set somewhere that I have visited at some point.
I love books set in places i know.
I cant read anything set in America
I no longer read books set in the US.
Mine have to be British.
Me too x
Each state has very different characteristics. It’s like ruling out a continent!
Dylan Sentence It is down to choice.
Of course. I’m not saying you’re wrong. But I have a very different opinion.
Dylan Sentence Fine, but the clue is in the name.
Oh yes, Can’t abide books set in the US
Yes definitely,love books set in locations I’ve visited , can’t stand American crime books x
sometimes. I do prefer my reads to be UK based.
I do, too. I started reading one set in American, from an American writer a while ago. Just didn’t connect with it.
So do I!
I don’t mind as long as the setting serves as a character in its own right. Like Arthur Upfield’s Outback and Tony Hillerman’s Navajo country. I also love it if novels want me to go to the places and explore.
I agree – but I don’t like reading books while I’m visiting the same setting. Makes my memories confusing!
It’s quite nice to read a book about a location you’ve visited eg: LJ Ross…..Holy Island & The Island (Spinalonga) by Victoria Hislop. Looking forward to reading @ColinWards book as I live outside of Birmingham now .
I always love to get feedback – so please do let me know what you think. I am currently writing my second book, also in Birmingham! 🙂
I am always tempted by books set in the area I come from, or places I know well. However I am not tempted by books set in Sicily where I live now. I also like books set in small town America – there’s always something weird about the people there.
Yeah x the Angie Marsons series is set in the black country where I’ve recently moved from and I enjoyed hearing the locations. Also years ago I read a Lynley detective book that was set in Cambridge where I went to uni ( was so lucky) and I loved that book for the location x
Absolutely! I like stories local to me and if I go on holiday I like to take books set in or around that area.
I don’t read books set in the US nowadays. Mainly because I mostly read crime and their police procedures are so different to ours. Besides, we have so many excellent home grown authors
So correct, many brilliant home grown authors.
No not especially. It’s the quality of the writing which interests me, not where it’s set.
That is the most important aspect, however the setting means a great deal to me.
Nope, if the blurb sounds good I’ll read it
It used to but I’m now open to any location!
Sometimes, hard to say why some locations appeal more than others but they certainly do. Well written and positively reviewed stories should transcend any unfamiliarity of location, so I do try to be as open-minded as possible.
I am always drawn to locations in the UK.
Prefer UK locations, in particular ones i have visited or close to home
Nope although locally set books make me smile, probably for the wrong reasons lol
I really like to read a book that is set somewhere I know.
Definitely. I prefer British based crime novels
Same here
Not at all, it’s more about the book description and if it grabs me.
It is an added bonus when the story includes landmarks that you know ??
I do prefer UK crime books and English terminology and I especially like books set in an area which I know
Find Gangland London quite boring and done to death though there are exceptions.
I love local books n if find ones thats local I tend to stick to tht author series of books or similar for a bit but then I love war type books nazi germany Russia etc aswell
Not bothered in the least where a book is set in UK. I struggle with the Scandinavian reads. I can’t pronounce a lot of names and places therefore can’t really get a grip on the book
That is my main problem with Scandi,,can’t pronounce the names in my head, hence no longer bother.
I make the names up in my head!! I think the Scandi-crime is at a slower pace that uk/us based crime so it makes me read slower! x
@Claire Yet I loved the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy
*whispers* I’ve not read the trilogy ??
I loved it. So sad his death prevented its expansion.
@Kath Have you read the last 2 by David Lagercranz
I was turned off the Dragon Tattoo series by all the furniture shopping in (I think) the second one.
@Susan I read the first one by David Lagercranz and found it very disappointing
@Sarah I have it to read. I’m sure I’ll get round to reading it one day
I loved the trilogy although it did take me 3 attempts to get into the first one. I found the extra one didn’t fit in with the other 3. It felt like he didn’t know what to do with Lisbet so she didn’t feature so much
@Sarah Ah but I thought she was the main character. I still think the trilogy should have finished with the authors death
She was the main character which is why it felt so strange. There was a massive legal battle over whether the series should continue or not. To be honest I think the third wrapped things up quite well to end the series there
no but i like things set in places that i know a little about – i love scandi things 🙂
Not normally unless it’s a LJ Ross book which is set in beautiful Northumberland plus it also helps if the books are so unputdownable which they are ?
No it’s an added extra for me if its near where I live or if I know the locations in the book
I avoid books set in America – I wouldn’t rule them out but they are my second choice.
I like Rebecca tope books as all 3 sets of her books are near places I have been,
The setting doesn’t matter to me, as long as the story is gripping and entertaining.
Thanks for the likes, Dylan, Eve, Lee and David.
Yes it does for me that’s how I got in to L J Ross
It sometimes interests me enough to buy – if for example it’s a local setting or somewhere I know well. But it is not the deciding factor per se.
I like anything set in snowy landscapes. Doesn’t really matter where.
No, it does not.
Anything set in the Cotswolds or yorkshire ares get preference as i can visualise the places.
Yes. Definitely. I love a book to be set in the UK. I will read others but feel so much more drawn to a British landscape! Particularly love a series!
Not keen on books set in the US.
It’s the story that’s important. The location is part of that, but not a factor in what I chose to read.
More off putting than an unkknown setting/location is the melodramatic, overblown, blurb. Over selling the plot devalues the whole purpose of that backcover hook. And, in my case at least, makes me avoid books by that author in the future.
Absolutely. Being taken to new places is one of the best things about a good book. Just reading THE DRY- CWA crime book of the year – set in rural Australia. amazing sense of place.
If a book is written well, then location isn’t a factor for me
I’d never not read a book because if it’s setting
What about UK authors who set their books in the US?
Oooh I wonder if we will need new writing deals for settings post-brexit?!
No , I don’t mind the location ?
For some weird reason I prefer crime books set in the US but any chick lit books I prefer to be set in the UK. Not sure why – everyone is different!
Saying that though, I’ve just finished Scream Blue Murder set in the UK and loved it. If it’s a good book it’s a good book!
No, I’m happy to read a book from any location.
I quite like to read books set in towns or countries that I’ve been to so that I can relate to them. Especially if the author describes them as true to life. My debut book was set in parts of Kosovo, Southampton and Glasgow (amongst others). I know these places well so, descriptively, it made sense. The feedback I’ve had so far in relation to that has been totally positive. ?