Does anyone know where I can donate books (in good condition) — I hate to toss them out.
Does anyone know where I can donate books (in good condition) — I hate to toss them out.
Does anyone know where I can donate books (in good condition) — I hate to toss them out.
Your local library.
Yes! The library takes books
Assisted living residences
hospitals, nursing homes, goodwill, salvation army
Salvation Army or Goodwill
My husband and I frequently donate to Salvation Army. I also used to live near a park that had a free library I’d deposit books in.
We have bookshelves in our break room at work. I bring them there
Domestic violence shelters often take books for the residents who are living in safehouses
At our local used book store they take them for credit towards your account.
I recently had a nurse take them to a place where the patients are receiving chemo.
Nursing home
Nursing homes or dialysis or chemo centers
Fire Stations?
Your local library.
better world books. You can check their website for drop off box locations. They do sell the books at a deep discount and donate books worldwide to promote literacy
Little Free Libraries. If you check the map on their website, there’s probably one close to you.
Hospitals! We have a library in our hospital for patients and families. Call and inquire near you?
English as a second language centers.
Cancer centers typically have book donation shelves for those getting chemo
Goodwill takes books
Nursing homes
Veteran’s homes
The USO will take used books. Most public libraries will take them as well. Goodwill also. We recently did a big clean out of books and spread them out among those three.
Our library takes donations to sell
Or if you know anyone with good woodworking skills, maybe someone would donate time and materials and build a tiny library.
Library ~ most have regular sales
There are book drops in many locations- just look it up online. You could also resell on websites like eBay. Or any local book store. There’s a ton of options and definitely no need to throw a book away ever.
Nursing homes.
Jails too.
The library – if they can’t use them they’ll sell them to make money for their programs. Or the Arizona Humane Society thrift store in Mesa is a worthy cause.
Here’s a link to the maps of registered little libraries. My mother has one and always appreciates donations!
The local library. Many have book sales to raise money for other Library programs.
My house?
Our hospital will take paperbacks.
Your local high schools, hospitals, assisted living and retirement homes, thrift shops
Your local library. They keep what they need and sell the rest to raise money for the library. I’ve donated dozens, at least.
Ronald McDonald House. When we stayed there when our kids were in the hospital, we really appreciated the books and games. I donate books, games, DVDs to them now.
Cancer centers.
You might check with your local library. Many of them do book sales to raise funds. We donated over 400 books a couple of months ago to ours.
Search little free library and see if there are any near you!
Homeless services
Some bookstores take trade ins.
Women’s prisons always need books.
Libraries, retirement homes, cancer centers…
You can try your local senior center, or library…. or even a nursing home!!! So kind of you to do it!!!
Most libraries take them, sometimes to put in circulation, sometimes for book sale fund raisers.
I donate mine to the local library, they resell them during their fundraisers.
A plea from a former librarian to those who want to donte books. Do not give libraries books that have been stored in a basement or other damp places and any that smell the least bit like mildew. Mildew travels through books from one to another just by having them stacked up together. One old favorite mildewed book can ruin a whole bag of new ones. While most libraries love to get newer books for circulation or books sales they have no way to dispose of old, mildewed ones and often get very limited garbage pick-ups.
Free little libraries
@Peggy thought you’d enjoy this thread
Assisted Living homes or the library
Resale shops that benefit charities. And I donated to the Kellogg Cancer Center for the patients who were there for hours at a time for treatment.
Better World Books has drop boxes. They resell so there is probably some profit involved, but I think they do good things with at least some of the proceeds.
Do you have a Half Price Books near you? They will buy them from you. Or you can donate if you want.
Anyplace like Savers, Goodwill, or Salvation Army will take them. Also try homeless shelters or hospitals, or your local library (which is always my first choice.) Of course, if you want to try reselling them, you can take them to Bookman’s.
Your local library
Local library, sometimes senior centers, nursing homes
Disabled Vets.
Homeless shelter, and the abused woman’s shelters.
I do my library or train station read and ride area. But I’ve heard some people donate to jails. I think that’s a lovely idea.
Public library here takes them then has a bagged book sale once a year
Prisons or shelters
Believe it or not , jails take book donations.