I love sitting on my balcony in the summer with a nice cold drink and a book and in winter I love to cosy up under the covers in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a favourite book.
I like to read when I’m by the pool or beach since it’s frfrfrfrfr freezing here in the Midwest US at the moment, I prefer indoors please and thank you. ?
I relate to this. I think back to secondary school were they always asked us to read outside. I was never able to concentrate, this not a lot of reading was done
Indoor for sure and I prefer if it’s cold or raining outside and I am wrapped up in my favorite rug and have a cup of tea with it. Although because I stay in Dubai cold weather is rather moderate and doesn’t last for long, no rain either ? but yes still indoor
I like both, depends on the weather a bunch. And how many other distractions might might be around.
I have to say indoor. If it’s nice enough to read outdoors, I find that that I’m squinting from the sun, and this gal does not need anymore wrinkles 😛
definitely indoor. I’ve tried outdoors, but it’s never cozy enough. one exception is reading in public transport. that’s a must!
Both. Love to read outside when it’s nice out
In really good weather, I prefer outdoor reading.
Indoor, I get too distracted outside!
Love reading on the beach!
Out door in the spring when the days are longer and it’s not hot yet.
Both, it depends on the circumstances ! In Greece the weather is very suitable for outdoor reading! ☀️
Indoor curled up on couch or recliner
Really depends on my mood
Outdoor if the mosquitoes aren’t biting.
Although I do enjoy reading in the park after taking my dog for a nice walk… nothing beats being curled up on the couch with no distractions!
I love sitting on my balcony in the summer with a nice cold drink and a book and in winter I love to cosy up under the covers in bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a favourite book.
Outdoor in my hammock
Indoor…..too distracted if outdoors..
My favorite place to read is my front porch on a warm sunny day!
in the winter indoor. spring summer fall diffently outside
Indoors, there’s too many pigeons outside?
Indoor…I’m not an outdoor girl no matter the season.
In the summer I sit out and read till very late
I like to read when I’m by the pool or beach since it’s frfrfrfrfr freezing here in the Midwest US at the moment, I prefer indoors please and thank you. ?
Indoors for me. I can usually control the lighting inside. If it’s bright enough outside, then I have to contend with shadows, so inside for me 🙂
I’m an indoor gal!
I will read anywhere but I love reading on my patio during the summer. So no real preference.
Doesn’t matter as long as I am comfortable
Indoor, I get too distracted by clouds & shit when outside 😀
Both. In the winter I love cozying up inside with coffee and a blanket. In the summer I love reading outside with coffee or wine!
During winter indoors but during warmer weather I read on my porch or patio
Either as long as I’m reading ?
Indoors. I get distracted very easily outside. If a cute dog (and they’re all cute ?) walks by, reading time is over
I relate to this. I think back to secondary school were they always asked us to read outside. I was never able to concentrate, this not a lot of reading was done
Both. During winter/fall, I read inside, but during summer on occasion I’ll read outside on the patio
Outside with sunglasses and my bare foot in the grass ?☀️
I read inside. I don’t really like reading outside for some reason.
I like to read, wherever and whenever, I can.Outside is fine, weather permitting. But I prefer inside.
Outdoor if the neighbours big dogs are indoors.?
Indoors; it’s much too hot and humid to be enjoyable here
Indoors, too many distractions outside.
I LOVE to sit outside in the sun during the summer to read!! So relaxing ?
Over the summer I will read on my deck and porch if weather permits. When fall starts I will read indoors.
Outdoor weather permitting
Outside! I absolutely love to read on the grass in the sun. Sadly I have snow half the year so I am stuck inside.
Reading at any cost
Indoor, but with the doors and windows open
Either. I do audio books outdoors
I read when I’m eating, keep a book by the bed, an ebook on the bus and walking with ear buds too. I love to read and it all started with Dr. Seuss. ?
Indoors – to many bugs where I live ? ???????
I love being outside but I’d be too distracted with nature to fully enjoy my book.
Outdoor, especially the beach!
Outdoor! I live in Florida soooo
Indoor by a window, less distractions than outdoors.
Probably indoors. Unless I had a hammock
Also Outdoor depending upon the place?
My library has a beautiful courtyard setting, but other than that, indoor with my headphones on
Indoor is best
Indoor in a comfy chair
indoor please. if possible, under the fluffiest, comfiest blanket i have (which im currently wrapped in as I type this ?)
Indoor for sure and I prefer if it’s cold or raining outside and I am wrapped up in my favorite rug and have a cup of tea with it. Although because I stay in Dubai cold weather is rather moderate and doesn’t last for long, no rain either ? but yes still indoor
Definitely indoors
Always indoor. Outdoor noise distracts me