Do people have reading targets? Do you try & read a certain amount of books per week? Do you try & read a certain number of pages a day?
Do people have reading targets? Do you try & read a certain amount of books per week?
Do you try & read a certain number of pages a day?
I try to read two a week.
No target for me for either pages or books read.
One a week for me, to get to my Goodreads challenge by the end of the year.
Not per week I set one as part of the good reads reading challenge for the year but mostly just to see how much I read in a year not out of any real competition I think that of you put to much on yourself reading wise it makes it less fun
No targets for me….. would somehow diminish the joy of reading.
I like to read at least a couple of books a week.
No I read what I want when I want no pressure read is surposed to be fun & relaxing
Like @Caroline, I’ve set a target for the year on Goodreads for the same reasons. For me life happens, things crop up/get in the way of reading. The last thing I need is to have the ‘stress’ of not reaching a target for something that I do for pleasure.
I get enough targets from my boss. If anything I set myself limits on new releases so I don’t read them too quickly.
I read when I can most days so usually say 3hrs in total
I try to finish one book every two weeks.
I must be slow only read 1 chapter per whenever. I start to get tired and fell sleepy after a few pages 🙁 any ideas how to improve my reading and attention.?
It’s not a race Shine….you do what feels best for you and enjoy. Although….if you get the right book, you will probably find that your bedtime becomes earlier ?
I don’t set targets as I might feel the need to rush through a book to keep up and that may spoil the plot. I read every day – anywhere and everywhere.
I set myself a target of 3/4 books a week. I also try & read 60pages an hour
I do a daily target usually but when I’m working I don’t as it’s just too hard as after work I am just so tired
I did the goodreads challenge last year and tried to read 100 books….i made it to 70. I’m not doing it again, the constant reading without the bit in the middle where u digest the book was too much for me. I’d be hard pushed to remember the books i read. Taking it at my own pace this year.
No, I would never want it to feel like a chore as I read for pleasure. Some days it might be a lot, other days I might only be able to snatch a quick hour or so. I always WANT to read, it is sometimes the practical stuff in life like work that gets in the way!
I set myself a target of books to read per year. I aim for at least one book a week, so 52 books a year minimum. I did really well in 2016, managed 76 then. However 2017 was a rubbish year as I had a large surgery which took a lot of getting over. I’m very behind this year, again due to another large surgery, but hoping to get back on the horse with a few shifts with Tom Thorne or Roy Grace.
I just go with the flow
I set a goal on Goodreads but it’s only to see how many I read in the year. My goal is 250 as I read 220 last year but haven’t read as many this year so won’t reach this but I’m not bothered. I don’t set any weekly targets or count pages read. It would spoil the whole point of reading for pleasure. I just try and find some ‘me’ time each day to do what I love which is read.
No targets for either reading or writing. Depends on free time, mood, and health. I reckon about five a week as a general estimate. Reading, not writing, I hasten to add!!
I try to read 2-3 books a week and a 100 paged a day. Occasionally I read more, but more usual fewer pages per day.
I try at least one a week, work permitting. But sometimes manage a few more a month.
Nah .. just as many as I can get through ..I love my adventures x
I just read for pleasure, usually I read a couple a week. I save £1 for every book read so at the end of November I will count up and that will tell me how many I have read in the year. Last year it was 182 ??
Gosh am lucky to read a book a week if not into 2 weeks, good gripping one is less a week but that has been lacking in last month!! 🙁
Never ever thought about it. Does it not take the pleasure out of reading a book if you’re continually thinking about your next read?
Yes…thats what i found last year anyway
Set a Goodreads target each year. Have beaten the previous two, so aiming for 100 this year!
I’m trying to get to 50 pages a day but isn’t working great.
No, apart from making deadlines, I read when I want. But, as I have a lot of spare time, I end up reading loads. 5-6 books a week on average.
No targets. I read for pleasure and savour books.
I read as much as I can and don’t count
Me too Mike.
No goals for quantity of books but I do like to get to the end of a chapter b4 I put my book down ?
Oh me too. Chapters longer than 20 pages upset me! ?
@Lizzie And me .I HATE long chapters ?
I enjoy counting the number of books I read each year. So far 22 including the Morse book set.
Before MS took its toll I used to read at least one book a week, think I’m going to invest in audio now cos I miss loosing myself in crime ?
Huggs, my friend has MS and my husband Parkinson’s
Try not to set targets, but 2wks holiday had me reading 13 books. Now I’m home not so many, real life gets in the way!!
I don’t have much time, try for a few chapters a day.
No but I find once I get in to a book I can’t put it down.
No targets just always have a book on the go?
Absolutely not! Reading should be a spontaneous pleasure, not a chore where targets have to be reached!
Never. I read for my enjoyment so will just go at my own pace and take pleasure. If I was eating a wonderful meal, I wouldn’t set a time limit and can think of a few other delights that are better when no one sets a target…….. ?
I do like to see how many books I’ve read but I totally enjoy the read, I am a quick reader but I do like to know how many I’ve read in a year.
@Senel Yes, me too! At the end of each year, I do a quick check on Goodreads.
No but I’ll stay up until the early hours to finish a good book!
No, I just read in the evenings as I am busy in the daytime, but will read till 3 am if I am really stuck into a book
@Michael It truly amazes me that the number of books peeps read seems to be important. I don’t keep count. I’m not even sure how many yarns I’ve written. Very few books or scenes in them linger in the memory. I rarely read a book that truly ticks all the boxes.And I don’t speed read or write, I take my time and smell the roses.
Bits of 5 books most days when I’m in.
Why would you want to set targets? Takes all the pleasure away. No-one is going to be testing you!
Imagine….’on page 169 a vital piece of evidence surfaces. Discuss the significance to the Police team and the effect this may have had on the investigation in general’. Hahaha. You’d never pick up a book again!
Targets aren’t about being tested
Some people enjoy setting personal goals which is quite different.
The goals that i set are personal goals
Reading should be fun. I had enough of targets at work!
I am starting to think now that a lot people of here are looking at my comments as a goal. I love reading, book after book after book. I am just interested In seeing how many wonderful books and new authors I have had the pleasure for reading a year. It is not a challenge or a goal just great satisfaction.
Totally agree this is exactly how I see it too.
No, just go with the flow
No, although I do take part in the Goodreads challenge it doesn’t impact on my reading. Having said that, I over-committed to reviews this month and upped my reading accordingly and, having caught up half way through the month, don’t seem able to slow down! Challenge set at 180 for year (last year was 177) and I’m amazed to find I’m at 120 already ..
Do you do the #UKBCbookchallenge as well?
@Chris Not at the moment …
That takes the fun out of reding
A certain number of BOOKS per WEEK? I’m lucky if I get through a book a fortnight! Quantity versus quality reading? I like to absorb a book and immerse myself in it, rather than race through it to get to the end. Am I unusual in that, I wonder?
Not unusual I think some o us are just quick readers. I teach 7 hours a week mainly in the evenings and I and I lucky to be able to read when I am not busy during the day.
Nope judging by comments here. I love to amble through a book and savour it. ?
I read on average 2 books a week at least and I read from cover to cover including copyright page and really enjoy them I’m just a speedy reader ?
@Caroline It’s a wonderful gift, so many amazing books and authors to relish every week.
I don’t race through them, but read and digest them. I just read a lot!
I don’t race through, but I am a fast reader and have the luxury of being able to do as I please
I set a Goodreads annual challenge not too taxing. Also for the last 2 yrs I have taken part in #20booksofsummer challenge but it’s a very relaxed challenge 10, 15 or 20 books June – Sept.
O by the way if you’re interested
Hmmm I don’t set a pace. Sometimes I can read a book over a matter of hours. Other times it takes longer. If I can I like to set aside a little time each eve to read at least a few pages if I don’t have much time. ?
I read 2 or 3 a week