Continue 7 1/2 Deaths or DNF it – Chapter 4? I hardly ever DNF but I’m so not into it. I don’t even have the urge to pick it up.
Continue 7 1/2 Deaths or DNF it – Chapter 4? I hardly ever DNF but I’m so not into it. I don’t even have the urge to pick it up. ?
I did. I listened to the audio and I was so lost and bored. Gave up after an hour or so. I was sad because I know a lot of people rave about it- but I think just as many hated it lol ??♀️
I liked that book a lot! But? Life is short. If you don’t like it don’t continue it. I used to suffer through books that I thought were boring and wisened up. Life is better when you quit boring books. <——My new motto ?
I am about 80% done with the book and I love it! Far from boring, in my honest opinion. But it WAS very confusing…though it gets a little easier to grasp as the book moves past its halfway point. I’d give it a little bit longer. The first host is the most “boring.”
So funny how we all get something different, because I’m LOVING this one
Abandon it without guilt
If you’re not into it, definitely DNF it – and I say that as someone who loved it. It just keeps building on its premise, so if you’re not into it now, I don’t think that will change.
Don’t waste time finishing books you don’t love, life is too short for that shit! Way too many good books out there?
Girl, I asked this question last week, finally managed to DNF it and I’ve been feeling great since.
If I may borrow words from a sneaker brand: ‘just do it’
When in doubt, always dnf. I will say however, that that book does pick up once you meet the second host onward. But if you dont like it, dont read it
I DNF’d it. It was dragging on and on and on and on…
No shame! I haven’t even googled what happened because I don’t care! ??♀️
I can’t bring myself to DNF books but I wish I could with this one. Ugh. What a waste of time. It started out interesting but the characters were lackluster, it got repetitive and old real quick, and the ending was TERRIBLE.
This one took until like chapter 7-8 for me to get into it
Thanks everyone, I’m giving it another 3-4 chapters and deciding.
I’m listening to the audiobook and I’m about to DNF it too. I just can’t get into it.