Anyone read sharp objects? I started watching it on hbo, I’m super intriguedAnyone read sharp objects? I started watching it on hbo, I’m super intrigued Jessica #review
Has anyone read American Gods by Neil Gaiman? I’m about halfway through it and I’m intrigued and confused…. 32 answers
So my fellow bookworms has anyone read To Kill A Mockingbird?? Read a sample don my Kindle. Intrigued but still not sure. Thoughts? 129 answers
Recently read Sharp Objects and The Woman in the Window. I’m in the mood for a mystery next. Suggestions? 26 answers
Game of Thrones fans, anyone read the book series? If so, worth the read or should a fan just stick with the HBO version? 102 answers
It’s a great book!!
I just bought it but haven’t read it yet.
I loved it!!! Just read it, now I need to watch the show!
Only 2 episodes streaming right now. It’s good!
Yes I know! Everyone has told me it’s good! The book was so good. I loved it
I loved the book!! And the show is good so far too
i erad like 60% of it a few years ago but couldnt really get into it.
I loved it
I just bought it, can’t wait to start it.
It’s actually a really good book with some interesting plot twists and I’d recommend it.
I read it a few years ago. Really liked it.
Reading it now!
Loved it!
It’s a really good book. I like the series so far
Literally just finished it, 10 minutes ago. Now I’m excited to watch the show.
The book was great!
Loved the book, have not seen the show
Me too
Reading it now and I recommend it.