I have only ever cried in The Book Thief. I bawled like a baby in that book, actually. But no others. I’ve had books move me, make me sad, but never induce tears like TBT did.
Book thief is the only book that has made me cry badly every time I read it!! I literally have to put it down every ten minutes towards the end and wait until I can see again before finishing it!!
I rarely cried during books or movies as a kid/young adult, but then, like, I dunno… 33 hit and now I’m a wreck during some books, and get teary fairly often during movies. Books far more often then movies, really. It also totally depends on where I am in my cycle. Freakin’ kitten videos make me sob during that time of the month 😀
Same here, except for the kitten videos! ? What’s worse is, I’ll cry when I’m writing my own books! Then I have to figure out, am I hitting the target or am I just over emotional? ??♀️
I understand. Though happy isn’t too strong for me to tear up but I’ll be grinning, (and I’m generally not very expressive) then I get wierd looks from people lol
I’ve teared up through one or two books (the last Harry Potter being one) and only the book thief has ever made me fully bawl the couple times I’ve read it (I mean I had to put the book down for a bit till I could see again) so yea ? Books/movies have to draw me in completely before I crack!! (I’m pretty sure I’m close to the only person I know who has never cried when Mufasa dies in the lion king!) I feel the book/movie/tv show an immediate success if it’s able to make me cry!!!
I didn’t used to but after having kids my hormones are bonkers and a good commercial will have me in tears. Depending on the book I may need Costco size box of Kleenex
The two books I remember crying the most while reading were The Book Thief and The Outsiders. After I finished The Outsiders I took an hour long shower and cried my eyes out, I was in eighth grade lol, but yeah I’ve cried while reading many books (including KOA)
It’s a book about a few boys in an Oklahoma town in the 50s or 60s and there’s two groups of people based on socioeconomic status- Greasers (poor) and Socs (wealthy). And the boys are greasers and they’re taunted and bullied by the socs and a whole bunch of things happen that I don’t want to give away. Basically the Greasers just want to be normal and some want to be friends with the Socs but the Socs are more inclined to keep the divide. It’s sad but really good. I didn’t describe it well at all I’m sorry! ? there is a movie as well and it was good but the book was better
I’m not a very emotional person, but the last time I seriously cried was when I read the Divergent series. My mom bought me a sweatshirt after I calmed down and climbed off her lap
I cry occasionally… there are just some characters that you get so attached to and you sympathise with them so much! The two most recent reads I remember crying in were Me Before You and ACOWAR. I didn’t cry reading The Assassin’s Blade but I was pretty darn close to it when Sam died!
Omg I cry at books regularly! Even if I have read the book many times I will cry at the same part again and again! It’s my way of releasing tears in a safe setting, keeping me intact for the real world!?
Let me make it extra weird. I cry a lot, actually. Weddings, animal cruelty, family reunions after a long time apart, movies, you name it. For some reason, it just never happens with books ?
Never. I teared up I think twice (only 100% sure about one time), but that’s it. Maybe it’s the sad or emotional music in movies that does it, music always gets to me
Oh hey we have the same name. Anyways I was the same way until I read ugly love by Colleen Hoover. It’s not fantasy but damn I ugly cried. No book has ever made me cry except that one.
Mine is the other way around. I’m European, and my name is supposed to be pronounced the French way. Instead, I get the American version. All. The. Time. Seriously, how hard can it be ?
i know!! It drives me nuts. I get called Emile every time and then people get so confused when they realize I’m a white girl. ?? it’s gotten to the point I don’t correct people. Lol
The most that’s ever happened to me is that an odd tear leaks and a lump forms in my throat. Which only happened the first time yesterday with The Year Of The Rat. Otherwise, I usually only get wet eyes and clogged nose at the very saddest parts of some books or shows.
I’ve cried during a book before. But I cry at everything. ? see that commerical? Bring on the water works! But, I’ve only cried for maybe 2 books? I dont cry often for books. ? mostly because of the type of books I read.
I cry very easily in movies but hardly ever in books, except for the fault in our start and now the throne of glass series (especially the last two books) I was so surprised I literally had to stop and show my sister I was crying because of a book ?
I’ve gotten very emotional and the book thief almost made me cry then my dad told “its just a book stop being so sensitive” ?? But ya I don’t really cry or anything while reading
Same here ?
I don’t cry while reading either.
If a book can make me cry, which very few can, then I know it’s a really good book that has connected with me on an entirely different level
I’m the same way!
Same, the harder it can make me ugly cry the better!
I sobbed so hard reading A child called It ? as I get older the easier it is to cry over anything whether I want to or not ?
Heartless ?
Meaning I’m heartless or you cried while reading Heartless?
@Emilie no lol it was a joke saying youre heartless. Ive cried many more times than i care to admit
So have I, just never while reading ?
I literally cried this morning listening to tower of dawn on my way to school.
I’ve felt emotional before, but I’ve never actually cried. I’m the same with movies or tv shows as well. I’m just an emotional robot, lol.
I have only ever cried in The Book Thief. I bawled like a baby in that book, actually. But no others. I’ve had books move me, make me sad, but never induce tears like TBT did.
I freakin sobbed so hard in that book, that my eyes were puffed up for the rest of the day
Book thief is the only book that has made me cry badly every time I read it!! I literally have to put it down every ten minutes towards the end and wait until I can see again before finishing it!!
The book thief is the only book that’s ever almost got me to cry
I have teared up, but never full blown cried.
Even that happens rarely to me. I’m a very emotional person though, it makes no sense ?
I get really sad but I’ve never cried. No instead I throw books at the wall when Im angry ?
I am a super emotional person anyway so books make me cry all the damn time!
So am I. I cry during movies all the time. Books though … Never ?
I rarely cried during books or movies as a kid/young adult, but then, like, I dunno… 33 hit and now I’m a wreck during some books, and get teary fairly often during movies. Books far more often then movies, really.
It also totally depends on where I am in my cycle. Freakin’ kitten videos make me sob during that time of the month 😀
Same here, except for the kitten videos! ? What’s worse is, I’ll cry when I’m writing my own books! Then I have to figure out, am I hitting the target or am I just over emotional? ??♀️
I hadnt until i read one book only book that has ever made me tear up. Can’t remember the name tho
I had never cried while reading a book until I read A Torch Against the Night. Not sure why that one did it
Not much, but sometimes I’ll tear up if it makes me really sad, like a few silent tears ?
Hero of Ages made me really sad.
I only tear up at the super happy sweet moments and it’s only been once lol
I understand. Though happy isn’t too strong for me to tear up but I’ll be grinning, (and I’m generally not very expressive) then I get wierd looks from people lol
Ah yes, that happens to me all the time!
No ?
I cry at commercials sooo… yeah I cry at books. LOL
I’ve teared up through one or two books (the last Harry Potter being one) and only the book thief has ever made me fully bawl the couple times I’ve read it (I mean I had to put the book down for a bit till I could see again) so yea ?
Books/movies have to draw me in completely before I crack!! (I’m pretty sure I’m close to the only person I know who has never cried when Mufasa dies in the lion king!)
I feel the book/movie/tv show an immediate success if it’s able to make me cry!!!
The book thief had me crying like a baby!
Really? I cry every time when Mufasa dies ?
Kingdom of Ash
I rarely cry, but it had happened.
Ive cried more than once
Ohhh how do u do that???
I don’t even know! Everything makes me cry, except for books apparently ?
I cry a lot. The last time was yesterday (the end of Lord of shadow by Cassndra Clare ??)
I didn’t used to but after having kids my hormones are bonkers and a good commercial will have me in tears. Depending on the book I may need Costco size box of Kleenex
Any good animal story
I am shook by this ?
Nop! Not even once
The two books I remember crying the most while reading were The Book Thief and The Outsiders. After I finished The Outsiders I took an hour long shower and cried my eyes out, I was in eighth grade lol, but yeah I’ve cried while reading many books (including KOA)
What is it about? The Outsider?
It’s a book about a few boys in an Oklahoma town in the 50s or 60s and there’s two groups of people based on socioeconomic status- Greasers (poor) and Socs (wealthy). And the boys are greasers and they’re taunted and bullied by the socs and a whole bunch of things happen that I don’t want to give away. Basically the Greasers just want to be normal and some want to be friends with the Socs but the Socs are more inclined to keep the divide. It’s sad but really good. I didn’t describe it well at all I’m sorry! ? there is a movie as well and it was good but the book was better
I think you described it well enough to make it my next read. Thank you?
Books are always better than movie
I’m not a very emotional person, but the last time I seriously cried was when I read the Divergent series. My mom bought me a sweatshirt after I calmed down and climbed off her lap
I got spoiled for the ending while reading the first book, so I was prepared for that one!
I have several times over several different books
I was sobbing from Kingdom of Ash last night lol
I don’t! I’ve been reading sad books since I could read so maybe I’m just used to it?
read kingdom of ASh at the end of the throne of glass series, we all died several times over
I haven’t started the series yet. Maybe I should to see what all the buzz is about!
I cry occasionally… there are just some characters that you get so attached to and you sympathise with them so much! The two most recent reads I remember crying in were Me Before You and ACOWAR. I didn’t cry reading The Assassin’s Blade but I was pretty darn close to it when Sam died!
@Amy-Louize I came close to crying in all of those too. Like I got really teary eyed
Worst thing was I’d already seen the Me Before You movie, so I already knew what was coming but I still cried!
I totally get you on that one
Probably… Lol
Omg no way!!
Omg I cry at books regularly! Even if I have read the book many times I will cry at the same part again and again! It’s my way of releasing tears in a safe setting, keeping me intact for the real world!?
Yep. You’re a sociopath now. Not really, I joke, but yes.
The fault in our stars, Allegiant, and the Lion the witch and the wardrobe. ?
Probably ? heartless
I cry all the time! Well not really. I should say if it’s a REALLY GOOD book it can make me cry
Let me make it extra weird. I cry a lot, actually. Weddings, animal cruelty, family reunions after a long time apart, movies, you name it. For some reason, it just never happens with books ?
@Emilie really, that is interesting. You cry at movies but never at books?
Never. I teared up I think twice (only 100% sure about one time), but that’s it. Maybe it’s the sad or emotional music in movies that does it, music always gets to me
@Emilie that could be it, music can make emotional.
You should read the Assassin’s Blade and then tell me if you cried
@Alisset yes! Or KoA
@Alex definitely
@Alisset I didn’t think I’d catch as many feelings as I did in the two days reading KoA.
I’m starting the series in the near future!
I haven’t cried either and I cry all the time
ive lost count of times i cried over books.
I’m a big puss. I cry all the time. I literally cried all day reading A List of Cages.
I’ve teared up, but I’ve never actually cried.
Perhaps you haven’t read the right book yet. Do you cry during movies?
If I watch sad movies I will but I don’t like those kind of movies
@Marissa in that case a book will make you cry sooner or later.
I do. It just never happens while reading. A particularly sad one made me tear up, but that’s it
I haven’t found any books to really be that sad. I did tear up in the second moon chosen book but not cause it was sad.
Stories that make me cry are often the animal ones like Watership Down or Marley and Me.
I don’t like stories like that cause they are sad. I don’t like to read about sad things like that.
I always cry when Dobby dies. Every single reread.
I haven’t ?
not even when jem “died” ?
Don’t know who that is, so no. One of Cassandra Clare’s books?
@Emilie yes the infernal devices trilogy, dude you can not read that scene and just NOT CRY, it’s not possible
I never got past book 2 of TMI so we’ll never know ?
Then you haven’t read the right books…..
Oh hey we have the same name. Anyways I was the same way until I read ugly love by Colleen Hoover. It’s not fantasy but damn I ugly cried. No book has ever made me cry except that one.
It’s not often you see an American with our spelling 🙂 I teared up at the end of Before I Die but that’s it
Right? I get called the boy Spanish name Emilé a lot lol
Mine is the other way around. I’m European, and my name is supposed to be pronounced the French way. Instead, I get the American version. All. The. Time. Seriously, how hard can it be ?
i know!! It drives me nuts. I get called Emile every time and then people get so confused when they realize I’m a white girl. ?? it’s gotten to the point I don’t correct people. Lol
The most that’s ever happened to me is that an odd tear leaks and a lump forms in my throat. Which only happened the first time yesterday with The Year Of The Rat. Otherwise, I usually only get wet eyes and clogged nose at the very saddest parts of some books or shows.
I’ve cried during a book before. But I cry at everything. ? see that commerical? Bring on the water works! But, I’ve only cried for maybe 2 books? I dont cry often for books. ? mostly because of the type of books I read.
I never cried reading a book until I read A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole. ?? that book RIPPED MY HEART OUT.
I don’t either ??♀️
I don’t I get emotional but I never cry while reading
Is that to say that you do cry during movies? Or like theater performances?
Or while listening to emotional music, yes
I cried at the end of Shadowkiss, (Vampire Academy)
I cry very easily in movies but hardly ever in books, except for the fault in our start and now the throne of glass series (especially the last two books)
I was so surprised I literally had to stop and show my sister I was crying because of a book ?
I cried once now …. during Kingdom of Ash … around chapter 90… i had to put the book down because I couldn’t see through my tears
Same!!! That was the part I meant! ??
Chapter 90? How many pages does the book have?
@Emilie 980 pages. I think around 120 or so chapters
@Sara that was the worst honestly… the whole book was a rollercoaster of emotion
@Leah it was such a wild ride! I really love sjm books, but obviously there are always slow parts.
Except in KoA every single page was amazing ??
@Sara i have to agree. She writes some of the only like really long books that I read in 2 days or so because I can’t put it down.
Leah Drummond so true! I binge read KoA within 4 days! ???♀️
I cried yesterday finishing thunderhead. And I don’t cry a lot in books
Oh no. I’m going to be reading Thunderhead soon
@Mona it’s one of my favorites now!
I never have! My friend has taken it upon herself to only recommend books that have made her cry lol I’ve WANTED TO a few times
Same! I’ve tried so many books, and they’ve definitely been sad, but I just never cried. Not even in other things like movies, tv, etc.
I gasped once. I was impressed by the book. I’d never in my life gasped before- just knew the word from english class.
I’m not a very emotional reader. I can remember tearing up maybe three times in my entire reading life. And two of them were Harry Potter. ?
I’ve gotten very emotional and the book thief almost made me cry then my dad told “its just a book stop being so sensitive” ?? But ya I don’t really cry or anything while reading
The only books I’ve genuinely cried while reading were Bloodrose (Nightshade series) and The Fault in Our Stars
I was trying to remember the name of that series the other day lol I really like it. I wish she would finish it tho?
@Marissa I know right! She left it at a cliffhanger and I haven’t heard anything about her continuing the series ?
@Erin yeah I’ve searched too and there is nothing it breaks my heart I want to know what happens next ?
You’ve been reading the wrong books!!
I cry with like 75% of books for no reason
Yes ? haha just kidding, probably not! I have cried personally but I’m not much of a book crier
Read before i die. That one will tear ur heart apart.
That the one exception that made me tear up! Still no crying though